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Bioidentical hormone therapy, also referred to as bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT), has transformed countless lives by helping to restore hormone balance. As specialists in BHRT, Rejuvenate Clinic offers cutting-edge treatments to help patients look and feel their best. Read on to learn all about the basics, benefits, deficiency signs, and more relating to this innovative field.

What is Bioidentical Hormone Therapy?

Bioidentical hormone therapy involves supplementing the body with lab-created hormones that are molecularly identical to those naturally produced. This differs from traditional hormone therapy, which uses synthetic or animal-derived hormones with slightly altered structures. Matched to the body's innate hormones, bioidentical replacements integrate seamlessly to produce noticeable improvements.

The goal of BHRT is to replenish declining hormones to optimal levels, thereby reducing undesirable symptoms of deficiency. This helps patients regain wellness and vitality. Continue reading to better understand common hormone imbalances and how bioidentical replacements can help.

Why Hormone Levels Decline

Hormone production peaks in the late teens to early 20s then gradually drops. Factors like stress, medications, toxins, trauma, chronic illness, poor diet, lack of sleep, and more accelerate this decrease. Men over 30 lose approximately 1-3% of testosterone per year. Symptoms accumulate over time until a tipping point when negative impacts become apparent.

BHRT halts this hormonal spiral to curtail further deterioration and give patients back their edge. The key is recognizing deficiency early and not dismissing subtle symptoms. Identifying declining hormones before they significantly disrupt quality of life allows for easier rebalancing.

Recognizing Hormonal Imbalance

Because hormones contribute to most bodily processes, irregular levels manifest in diverse ways. Below are common deficiency signs grouped by related hormone. Tracking patterns may reveal an underlying need for hormone restoration via bioidentical therapy. Custom treatment plans cater to patient goals after assessing labwork.

Signs of Low Testosterone

  • Decreased energy and stamina
  • Increased body fat, decreased muscle mass
  • Reduced motivation and self-confidence
  • Difficulty concentrating, mental fog
  • Irritability, anxiety, depression
  • Erectile dysfunction, lowered libido
  • Insomnia, night sweats, hot flashes

Signs of Low Thyroid

  • Fatigue, weakness
  • Weight gain
  • Hair thinning/loss
  • Dry skin
  • Constipation
  • Cold sensitivity
  • Muscle cramps
  • Heavy periods

Signs of Low Growth Hormone

  • Thinning/greying hair
  • Wrinkles, sagging skin
  • Decreased bone density
  • Higher body fat percentage
  • Muscle loss, joint pain
  • Impaired immunity
  • Poor sleep
  • Anxiety, social isolation

Timely treatment mitigates prolonged suffering that erodes health over the years. Patients shouldn't endure suboptimal functioning when safe solutions exist. Rejuvenate Clinic specializes in expertly restoring balance for enhanced wellbeing.

Try our bioidentical hormone therapy to restore balance and vitality. Contact Rejuvenate Clinic today.

Benefits of Bioidentical Hormones

Customized bioidentical hormone therapy offers widespread benefits:


  • Increased energy, endurance
  • Improved body composition
  • Healthier cardiac function
  • Better sleep
  • Enhanced immunity
  • Reduced joint discomfort
  • Improved skin, hair, nails
  • Greater muscle strength
  • Improved sexual health


  • Balanced mood - less anxiety, irritability
  • Improved concentration
  • Confidence boost
  • Healthier stress response
  • Increased motivation

Overall Wellness

  • Disease prevention
  • Weight optimization
  • Robust vitality
  • Slowed aging process
  • Better quality of life

Essentially, properly balanced hormones ripple outwards to positively impact total body function. Patients report feeling years younger upon finding their optimal hormonal balance.

About Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

Now that you understand why BHRT matters, below covers fundamental processes from assessment to maintenance. This outlines what patients can expect when working with specialists like Rejuvenate Clinic.

Diagnostic Testing

Treatment begins by gathering blood, saliva, or urine to analyze patient hormone status. This establishes baselines for customization. Patients track symptom progression to refine protocols. Follow-up testing continues periodically to ensure optimal balance is maintained long-term.

Hormones Checked Testing Mediums
Estrogen Blood, saliva
Progesterone Blood, saliva
Testosterone Blood, saliva
DHEA Blood, saliva
Thyroid Blood
Cortisol Blood, saliva
Vitamin D Blood

Hormone Prescribing Practices

Rejuvenate Clinic specializes in expertly prescribing bioidentical hormones including:

  • Testosterone - Improves energy, body composition, sexual function, mood, cognition
  • Estrogen - Alleviates hot flashes, vaginal dryness; supports heart health, bone density
  • Progesterone - Regulates menstrual cycle; aids sleep, mood, weight management
  • Thyroid - Boosts metabolism, energy; supports weight, cholesterol, cardiovascular health
  • DHEA - Enhances immunity, skin quality, muscle development, mood, sleep
  • Melatonin - Regulates sleep/wake cycles
  • Vitamin D - Bolsters immunity, energy; optimizes many bodily processes

Doctors tailor combinations and dosages to each patient's labs and objectives. This precision facilitates unparalleled treatment success.

Bioidentical Hormone Delivery Methods

Hormones enter the system via:

  • Creams/gels - Absorb through skin
  • Injections - Deposit into fat/muscle
  • Pellets - Inserted under skin, slow-release
  • Oral capsules - Swallowed, metabolized by digestive system
  • Sublingual drops - Absorbed into blood vessels under tongue

Rejuvenate Clinic physicians steer patients towards the most appropriate options. Delivery mechanisms differ in dose flexibility, duration of action, level of fluctuation, and more so method suits lifestyle.

Lifestyle Optimization

Diet, exercise, stress reduction and other lifestyle factors enormously impact treatment efficacy. Rejuvenate Clinic's holistic perspective educates patients about using lifestyle as an adjunct for magnified benefits.

Hormone Therapy Risks & Monitoring

Despite proven safety over decades of therapeutic use, bioidentical hormones carry risks if improperly administered. Rejuvenate Clinic maintains rigorous safeguards by:

  • Carefully screening patients
  • Using lowest effective doses
  • Monitoring progress continually
  • Running appropriate lab tests
  • Watching for signs of concern
  • Making dosage adjustments as needed

This attentiveness ensures optimal treatment with minimized risks.

Why Choose Rejuvenate Clinic?

Patients seeking expert bioidentical hormone therapy assistance trust Rejuvenate Clinic for first-class care. Below reviews key reasons to choose us.

Specialized Experience

Our extensive expertise stems from solely focusing on hormone restoration for over a decade. Patients benefit from our refinement mastery. We stay current with the latest advancements and tirelessly sharpen our skillsets through ongoing education.

Personalized Protocols

Hormone needs intrinsically vary between patients. We tailor prescriptions to each person's unique biochemistry, lifestyle and objectives using diagnostic testing. This precision facilitates unparalleled treatment success.

Cutting-Edge Techniques

We offer a comprehensive range of hormone balancing solutions including BioTE pellet implants for steady-dosing convenience plus injectable SERMORELIN Growth Hormone for amplified anti-aging effects. Constant innovation propels our top-tier offerings.

Integrative Methodology

Our root cause resolution approach assesses lifestyle stresses alongside lab markers. We guide patients through beneficial habit changes to complement hormone therapy for boosted resilience.

Attentive Care

Our extensive patient education, accessible doctors, coordinated follow-ups and vigilant monitoring foster confidence throughout each person's optimization journey. We wholly support our patients' transformation process.


We hope this content illuminates why properly administered bioidentical hormone replacement helps patients reclaim their vitality. Balancing hormones pays dividends across physical, mental and emotional realms for complete rejuvenation. To further explore your hormonal health, contact Rejuvenate Clinic for a consultation. Our experts look forward to helping you realign your wellbeing.

Try our bioidentical hormone therapy and restore your vitality.

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