Loss of muscle mass, also known as muscle atrophy, occurs when muscle fibers shrink and the body breaks down more muscle tissue than it can replace. This leads to overall weaker, smaller muscles and a decline in strength. Some common causes of muscle loss include:

  • Aging - After age 30, adults lose 3-5% of their muscle mass per decade. This accelerates after age 60.
  • Inactivity - Not using your muscles accelerates muscle loss. Those on bed rest or who are sedentary shed muscle quickly.
  • Malnutrition - Consuming too few calories, not enough protein, and micronutrient deficiencies speed muscle loss.
  • Diseases - Certain illnesses and conditions are associated with accelerated muscle loss like cancer, kidney disease, diabetes, and heart failure.

What Are Signs of Muscle Loss?

Signs that you may be losing muscle include:

  • Decreased strength
  • Trouble rising from a chair, climbing stairs, or walking
  • Fatigue and feeling rundown
  • Weight loss
  • Losing muscle shape/definition

Health Risks

Loss of muscle mass is linked to numerous health risks including:

  • Impaired mobility and frailty
  • Higher risk of falls and fractures
  • Impaired recovery from illness or surgery
  • Higher mortality rate
  • Metabolic impairments - Less muscle means fewer places to store blood sugar and burn calories

Preventing Muscle Loss

To maintain and build muscle:

  • Exercise regularly - Strength train all major muscle groups 2-3x a week
  • Eat adequate protein - Shoot for 0.5-1 gram per pound of body weight daily
  • Eat enough calories
  • Include balanced nutrition with fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, etc.
  • Manage conditions and medications that cause muscle loss
  • Supplement with vitamin D, creatine, or whey protein (if diet is lacking)

The adage "use it or lose it" applies to our muscles. Staying active with strength training and nutrition can help preserve muscles as you age!

For more information, please contact Rejuvenate Clinic.

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